Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Church's Role in Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

I can not adequately express how the Spirit of Jesus has used the five weeks which I spent in the Philippines this past winter to stir my heart to respond in a deeper way to the tremendous needs there! While I was gone, the Lord was preparing Gary’s heart to join in the mission! In three weeks, we’re going to the Philippines together!

Through the years, the Lord has placed two essential issues on our hearts and He is beginning to reveal how they fit together.

1) Organic Church
2) Human trafficking and sexual exploitation

I’d like to share with you some questions which we believe that the Lord has placed on our hearts and that we’ve set before a number of contacts in the Philippines.

We’d like to get a better idea of what is happening on the streets and in the bars in the Philippines so far as ministry is concerned. What’s the involvement of the churches, if any? Who do we talk to in order to find out what ministry is already being offered, what works and what doesn’t?

Are there ministries reaching out to the men who are buying sex? If so, who are the contact people?

Is there any preventative ministry being done with the little girls on the streets selling roses and the boys selling cigs/Viagra, etc.? If so, how do we contact those people to get an idea of what is being offered?

We'd like to know more about what is happening there with the “house church movement” and where that is happening. We'd like to know more about your role in that, if any, and to obtain contact info for other house church leaders.

Are there any house churches that you are familiar with that are currently reaching out to those in prostitution or to the men who are buying women? What about reaching out to the “at risk” children? If there even interest in doing so?

We'd like to visit some of the provinces and get a good feel for what life is like there and how preventive ministry might be accomplished in those places. Who would be good contacts to visit in those provinces and even stay with over a period of time in order to accomplish this?

Are there any house churches living in community that you are aware of?

Where would some locations be for establishing a house church community – a place where:
• women/men and children could come live with that community and experience community/family life, be mentored etc.?
• there is enough property to build if there are not already buildings?
• a self-sustaining lifestyle through organic gardening, raising livestock, etc could be demonstrated and lived out?
Who would we talk to about such places?

If you don’t have answers to some or any of these questions, do you know who we should contact for answers?

It is our desire to be obedient to the Lord in this and all things. Please pray for us, as the Lord leads.

God's Blessings, Bonnie Jaeckle

We are sensing that the Lord is directing us into His plan regarding these two issues. In future articles, I will be sharing how this is all unfolding and keeping you updated on what we see as the Lord reveals it.



  1. God bless you for bringing up these very sad issues that affect the children of the Philippines.

    It is heartbreaking to think of their futures being compromised and destroyed like that.

    I'll pray that the Lord's leads you to make a difference in sosme way. You already have, by bringing it to my attention. I will include those kids and young people in my prayers. And you, as well.


  2. Thanks for your encouragement and prayers! Please stay tuned. I'll be posting updates and specific prayer needs (each Thurs.) My husband Gary & I leave for the Philippines July 2 and will be gone atleast 2 months working on this issue with the House Churches there.
