Thursday, April 8, 2010


The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), 2003 reported that nearly one in three U.S. adults have hypertension! While the disease killed more than 50,000 people in the U.S. in 2004, the American Heart Association says high blood pressure is easily detected and usually controllable! Amazingly though,

JAMA reports that among the 23.4 million taking antihypertensive medications,
only 42.9% actually lower their blood pressure to acceptable levels!

According to JAMA’s study, the failure to adequately treat hypertension could generate $1 billion in excess health costs due to complications such as: stroke, heart disease, diabetes, kidney failure and other illnesses. Considering the relationship between Big Pharma and the health care system, this doesn’t surprise me!

Not only are antihypertensive drugs often ineffective, they carry many potential adverse affects: weakness, drowsiness, muscle cramps, depression, confusion, hallucinations, nightmares, sexual disfunction, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased white blood count, electrolyte imbalances, birth defects, seizures, neurological damage, heart failure, liver dysfunction, kidney failure, death! Knowing that, in most cases, hypertension is easily treated without medication, I’d rather get to the root of the problem! Unless I was in immediate danger, I would not take antihypertensive drugs. Even then, I would only agree to short-term use to vie for time to make the necessary life-style changes.

In order to effectively treat hypertension, we need to understand the cause. Blood pressure is a measurement of the force applied to the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. The pressure is determined by the force and amount of blood pumped, and the size and flexibility of the arteries. Circulation becomes sluggish causing the heart to labor as a result of: inactivity, smoking, alcohol and caffeine consumption, medications, poor fluid intake, constipation, toxin build-up, stress and obesity. Although chronic kidney, adrenal and thyroid disease can cause hypertension, most often we simply need to increase our blood flow.

What would regime would I follow to accomplish this?

Exercise – at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, five or six days a week. To measure how intensely to exercise subtract your age from 220. Multiply the result by 70 percent. (For example: if you are 30 years old: 220-30=190 X 0.70 = 133. Exercise at a level that keeps the heart beating at 133 beats per minute.)

Water - at least 64 oz. daily (8 – 8 oz. glasses) Water is necessary for our bodies to function properly including: regular bowel movements, flushing toxins and blood circulation.

Environment - Eliminate: Vasoconstrictors – stress, smoking, alcohol and caffeine. Heavy Metals in Anti-acids like Tums, deodorant, home/car air fresheners and dandruff shampoos. Tap water is full of toxins. Filter water using a reverse osmosis system.

Diet – Microwaving and over-cooking destroys nutrients, including Folic Acid and Vitamin B complex, both are necessary for blood pressure control.
Toxin flushing, blood pressure lowering foods include: fresh spinach, cilantro, 6-8 organic/free range eggs weekly, blueberries, Wild Alaskan sockeye salmon, pumpkin seed, walnuts, whole grains, fresh garlic and raw fruits & vegetables. *Flax seed contains Alpha linolenic acid, lowers cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. Whole flax seed is difficult to digest whole. Finely grind golden flax seed in a blender. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons daily on cereal, salad, or peanut putter sandwich. Many people tout the results!

Sleep – Toxins are cleaned out of brain cells during sleep! Deep sleep causes the heart rate to drop and lowers blood pressure! Read my article on sleep, 02/11/10 ( )


Ubiquinol CoQH-CF – (form of CoQ10) 100 mg - AM & PM
DHA (Omega 3) - 300 Mg - AM & PM
Vitamin B Complex – B1 (Thiamine) 50 mg, B3 (Niacin) 50 mg, B6 (pyridoxine) 50 mg - AM,
B12 – 500 mcg - AM & PM
Folic Acid (part of B complex) – 400 mcg - AM & PM
Vitamin D – ask your doctor to do a blood test which measures your Vitamin D level. Low levels are often a factor in hypertension. Adjust your intake accordingly.
Alpha Lipoic Acid – 200mg – AM
NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) – 400mg - AM & PM



All content of this article is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech. The author sells no hard products and earns no money from the recommendation of products. The information herein is presented for educational and commentary purposes only and should not be construed as professional advice from any licensed practitioner. The information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This is best left to the Creator of the universe. In all health-related situations, “qualified healthcare professionals” should always be consulted. The author deems THE GREAT PHYSICIAN to be most qualified. The author assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material.

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